About Us
WØABR is the Hub City Amateur Radio Club. We are a group of amateur radio operators in and around Aberdeen, SD
We maintain two repeaters in the Aberdeen area:
- A standalone 2 meter repeater on the West side of Aberdeen at 146.910+
- A Yaesu C4FM WIRES 70cm repeater on the East side of Aberdeen at 443.400+ with a 146.2 Tone
We also support and participate in:
- SD Link - A linked network of 12 repeaters throughout the state of South Dakota
- GLARA - Glacial Lakes Amateur Repeater Association - A linked network of 6 repeaters throughout Northern South Dakota and Southern North Dakota
Monthly Activities
Our monthly meetings are on the first Monday of the month and we hold a monthly tech night on the third Thursday of each month.
Amateur Radio License Testing
We have a VE team and hold regular test sessions in June and December of each year, typically on the third Saturday of the month. Additional test sessions are coordinated/scheduled as needed, feel free to Contact Us to ask about scheduling a session or for more information.